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20 Best Situation Reaction Test Questions With The Best Possible Answers

The Situation Reaction Test also known as SRT is one of the tests conducted under psychology test at SSB. SRT booklet consists of 60 situations & candidates get 30 mins to for situation reaction test and they are required to write their answers or say responses to each situation which have given in the SRT booklet. Situation reaction test is one of the interesting tests at SSB but also considered to be very crucial to measure your performance at SSB.
Below I've mentioned few Examples of situation reaction test with answers for candidates to get a fair idea of SRT and how to write answers while attempting situation reaction test.

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  1. Your captain falls ill and the team has no leader, you'll do..
    • Volunteer to lead the team, Discuss important things with ill captain motivate teammates, practice well and Win the match.
  2. Your friend need urgent money for his father's operation and you found a purse full of money along with the ID Proof of Owner, you'll do..
    • Return the purse with the help of ID then contribute whatever I can and help him in all the possible ways for the operation.
  3. You want to marry a girl/boy but your parents are not ready, you will do..
    • Talk to my parents putting forward logical points, convince them and marry the girl/boy.
  4. While going for exam you see an injured person lying on the road, you'll do..
    • Hire an auto and take the injured and person then admit him in a hospital, inform his family, and reach on time for exam.
  5. You have to attend the marriage of a friend’s sister in another city, just one day before when you have to leave your other good friend arrives and tells he/she has to stay at your home and has some work in your city. You will
    • Make the friend comfortable, tell her/him the situation and ask her/him to stay with my family and complete her/his work in the city.
  6. In a moving train you see a thief snatch away a women’s purse and jump out of the train. You will
    • Lodge a complaint with the RPF, help the women by giving her some money if she needs.
  7. While going on trekking in midway you come to know that the person responsible for bringing the food packets has forgot to bring. You being the leader of the group will
    • Come back and go for trekking another day.
  8. You fall ill before your exams, you'll do..
    • Take medicine and revise as much as i can, then take the exams and pass with good marks.
  9. You are very successful any have many jealous people who you suspect are planning against you. You will
    • Keep doing my work with more caution and alertness.
  10. When you see somebody in your school/college/workplace who is much more successful and is a favorite of all, you
    • Appreciate him/her and take and learn as much good points from him/her and do hard work to improve my performance more.
  11. In your hostel the dal has had a lot of stones for the last ten days and you are fed up with it. What would you do?
    • Bring the matter to the notice of the authorities in charge and if nothing happens, then report it to the superintendent.
  12. You are standing in the doorway of a train which has just started to move, suddenly you see a man falling off the train to the platform. You will?
    • Run immediately and help the man to get on the train with all effort.
  13. You see in a deserted bazar a man who smashes the jeweler’s window and steals some ornament, jump into the car and drive away quickly. You will?
    • Note the number of the car, inform police immediately by phone.
  14. You have not done well in you NDA/CDSE/AFCAT written exam, your father asks you to drop the idea all together and try something else, you will?
    • Apply yourself to study with greater interest and hard-work and give the exam again and crack it.
  15. The electric lights of your area have gone out due to heavy rain, what will you do?
    • Inform the power house from the nearest telephone for restoration of electricity.
  16. While travelling by train, you come to know on the next station from which you boarded that you have lost you ticket. You will?
    • Report it to the guard/ticket checker and do whatever he advice.
  17. To check the growth of population, what according to you can be done?
    • Intensify the family planning program and educate people about it more.
  18. You have joined an educational institute which is far from home. You are happy/unhappy and why?
    • Happy because I’ll learn to live independently.
  19. Being invited to a party of a 7 year old kid of neighbor, you'll do.
    • Buy picture storybook, crayons as a present and arrange games for the kids to play.
  20. In any discussion you always win an argument, what do you think is the reason?
    • I can influence others with my points and give practical and sounds reasons to agree to it.


  1. You can now discuss SRT with online community here.


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