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The candidates recommended by Service Selection Board undergo medical examination at nearest Service Hospitals. The medical examination procedure for candidates is as follows: -

Special Medical Board (SMB)

Special Medical Board (SMB) of officer candidates will be held at designated hospitals over a duration of 3 to 4 working days. Candidates will be declared Fit / Temporary Unfit or Permanent Unfit. Candidates will be declared Fit/Unfit.

Appeal Medical Board (AMB)

Candidates who are declared Unfit by SMB are eligible for AMB after depositing a sum of Rs 40/- in the Government Treasury. Unfit candidates get a maximum of 42 days from the date of SMB to report for AMB at designated Command Hospital. Candidates declared unfit by AMB are eligible to appeal for Review Medical Board.

Review Medical Board (RMB)

The President of AMB will intimate the candidate, the reason of his/ her unfitness through a leaflet and guide him/ her for RMB. However, he/she will explain to the candidate that holding of the Review Medical Board is at the discretion of DGAFMS based on the merits of the case and it is not his/ her right. RMBs are conducted at Army Hospital (Research & Referral), New Delhi and Armed Force Medical College Pune



The preferable height for a candidate of 18 years of age is 157 cm for males and 152 cm for females

Anthropometric Measurement

The acceptable anthropometric standard for aviation entries i.e. Short Service Commission (Aviation & Observer) entry for male is as follows: - Minimum height – 162.5 cm. Sitting height – Minimum 81.5 cm & Maximum 96.0 cm. Leg Length – Minimum 99.0 cm & Maximum 120.0 cm. Thigh Length Maximum 64.0 cm. Height, Weight Standard (Male)
Age in YrsHeight in CMPresent Weight in KG

Visual Standard

‘-75’ be amended to ‘-0.75’. ‘IT/Musician’ be included under Law/Logo/Edu

Keratorefractory Surgery

In para (b)(iii) ‘less than 25.0mm’ be amended to less than or equal to 25.0mm’ Para (b)(v) be amended to individual with refractive errors less than 6D prior to LASIK”
The above information on medical standards is a guideline only. The final decision will be decided by the medical board on completion of SSB.


  1. What does para (b)(iii) and para (b)(v) means? What is the reference of these mentioned para numbers?

  2. Awesome article on Medical Examination of SSB Interview.


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