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Indian Navy Selection procedure as an Officer

Officer’s recruitment is advertised through Employment News and all important national and regional newspapers/dailies. Selection for Permanent Commission through NDA/NA cadet entry and CDSE (Graduate) entry is through a written examination conducted by UPSC, followed by an interview by the Service Selection Board (SSB). For all other Permanent Commission entries and Short Service Commission entries there is no written examination. Applicants are short-listed as per criteria laid down by the Naval Headquarters, (Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment). Selection is through merit alone. The details are enumerated as follows:-
Induction of officers in the various Branches of the Indian Navy is undertaken through one of the following modes/schemes:-
  • Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) entries
  • Direct Entry Permanent Commission /Short Service Commission
  • University Entry Scheme (UES)


The UPSC entries are under the aegis of Union Public Service Commission with IHQ MoD (Army)/ADG (Recruiting) as the nodal agency. Inductions under these entries are held twice in a year. These entries are National Defence Academy and Naval Academy (NDA/NA), Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE) and NCC. The details of these entries are as follows:-

National Defence Academy and Naval Academy (NDA & NA) Exam

This entry is controlled by UPSC with IHQ MoD (Army)/ADG (Recruiting) as nodal agency. It consists of written examination conducted by the UPSC followed by conduct of the SSB interview, medical test by Indian Navy (naval candidates only) and final preparation of merit list by UPSC. The appointment letter for NDA (Navy and Naval Academy) are issued by IHQ MoD (Army)/ADG (Recruiting) and IHQ MoD/DMPR respectively. The training of officers selected through this entry, commences in the month of Jan/Jul every year. The advertisement for this entry is published in Jun/Dec. Tentative examination schedule of NDA entry is as follows:-
Sr. No.Name of ExamNotification by UPSCWritten Test Conducted by UPSCSSB Conducted by NavyJoining at Academy
(i)NDA &NA Exam(I)Dec/JanAprAug-SepJanuary next year
(ii)NDA &NA Exam(II)Jun/JulOct/NovJan-FebJuly next year

Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE)

This entry also consists of written exam conducted by the UPSC, followed by conduct of the SSB interview, medical test by Indian Navy (naval candidates only) and final preparation of merit list by UPSC. The appointment letter is issued by IHQ MoD/DMPR. The training of officers selected through this entry commences in the month of Jan/Jul and the advertisement is published in Nov/Jul. Tentative examination schedule of NDA entry is as follows:-
Sr. No.Name of ExamNotification by UPSCWritten Test Conducted by UPSCSSB Conducted by NavyJoining at Academy
(i)CDS Exam (I)NovFeb/MarSep-OctJanuary next year
(ii)CDS Exam (II)JulyOct/NovJan-FebJuly next year

NCC Entry

The vacancies for Naval Wing Senior Div NCC ‘C’ certificate holders are published along with CDSE advertisement. No written test is conducted for this entry. The eligible candidates are required to forward their application directly to IHQ MoD (N)/ DMPR through DGNCC. The candidates are deputed for SSB interview. After qualifying SSB these candidates undergo medical examination and if found fit, are inducted in the Indian Navy on the basis of All India Merit. The training of officers selected through this entry normally commences in the month of Jan/Jul every year.


The Direct entries are controlled by IHQ MoD (Navy) /DMPR and cater for both Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). Advertisements calling for application from eligible candidates for such entries are published in the leading newspapers and Employment News twice in a year between Feb to May and Aug to Nov. The applications are received and candidates are shortlisted for SSB based on cut off decided by IHQ MoD (Navy)/ DMPR. The SSB qualified candidates undergo medical examination and if found fit, are inducted in the Indian Navy on the basis of All India Merit. The entries are 10+2 (B.Tech), Direct Entry Short Service Commission (GS (X /Hydro)/ Tech/ NA/ IT/ Sub/ Pilot/ Obs/ Edu/ Log/ ATC/ NAIC/ Law/ Sports and Permanent Commission (Log / Edu/ NAIC/ Law/ Musician). The training of officers selected through these entries normally commences in the month of Jan/Jul every year. The List of various Direct PC/SSC entries with tentative notification schedule is as follows:-
Sr. No.Name of the EntryGenderNewspaper NotificationJoining at INA
Permanent Commission (Cadet Entry) -Twice in a Year
110+2(B Tech)Male onlyJun and DecJan and Jul
Direct Entry Short Service Commission(Graduate Entry) -Twice in a Year
1SSC(Pilot)Male onlyMar and OctJan and Jul
2SSC(Observer)Male and FemaleMar and OctJan and Jul
3SSC (Executive)- General Service/Hydro CadreMale onlyFeb and SepJan and Jul
4SSC –Tech (Engineering /Electrical)Male onlyFeb and SepJan and Jul
5SSC –Submarine Tech (Engineering /Electrical)Male onlyFeb and SepJan and Jul
Direct Entry Short Service Commission(Graduate Entry) - Once in a Year
1SSC(Information TechnologyMale onlySepJul
2SSC(Naval Armament Inspector Cadre)Male onlyAprJan
3SSC(Air Traffic Control)Male and FemaleAprJan
4SSC(Education)Male and FemaleAprJan
5SSC(Logistics)Male and FemaleNovJul
6SSC(Naval Architect)Male and FemaleNovJul
7SSC (Law)Male and FemaleAs per vacancy-
8SSC(Sports)Male onlyAs per vacancy-
Direct Entry Permanent Commission (Graduate Entry) - Once in a Year
1PC(Logistics)Male onlyMarJan
2PC (Education)Male onlyNovJul
3PC(Law)Male onlyAs per vacancy-
4PC(Naval Armament Inspector Cadre)Male onlyNovJul
5PC(Musician)Male onlyAs per vacancy-


University Entry Scheme is under the control of IHQ MoD (Navy)/ DMPR and caters for both Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). UES is conducted once a year, coinciding with the induction for Autumn Term at Indian Naval Academy. Various teams are deputed to different technical colleges all across the country for Campus Interview (CI). The Candidates of seventh semester, who have secured a minimum aggregate of 60% up to fifth term, are graded by the team as per their performance during the CI. The selected candidates are deputed for SSBs. The SSB qualified candidates undergo medical examination and if found fit, are inducted in the Indian Navy on the basis of All India Merit. The branches on offer for UES includes Technical (Engineering, Electrical and Naval Architecture), Executive (Pilot, Observer, Logistics, General Service and Information Technology), Aviation Technical (E/L) and Submarine (E/L). An advertisement for this entry is published once a year in the month of Jun/Jul. The campus interviews are conducted and coordinated by IHQ MoD(N) and the three Commands HQs in the following states:-
Sr. No.RegionStates
(a)IHQ MoD(N)Northern RegionUttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi, Chandigarh
(b)HQ WNC/CRTOWestern RegionMaharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Goa, MP, Daman & Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(c)HQ ENC/CRTOEastern RegionAndhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkand, NE States, Sikkim, A&N Islands
(d)HQ SNC/CRTOSouthern RegionKerala, Karnataka, TN, Puducherry, L&M Islands

Educational & Other Qualifications

It is mandatory that all degrees and educational qualifications are from Educational Institutions recognized by the competent authority in the field. Degrees/mark sheets must be original or self attested, as asked for in the advertisement. No compromise/relaxation will be made on this issue. All candidates desirous of joining the Indian Navy must be physically/mentally fit as per laid down standards. Proficiency in sports, swimming and extra-curricular activities is desirable.


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