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PHYSICAL/MEDICAL STANDARDS for Airmen in Indian Airforce(Official)

Watch this Video for Full Explaination 

To get selected as an Airman, the candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duties in any part of the world, climate and terrain. Physical/Medical Standards to become an Airman are as follows:-
Visual Standards and HeightAs per the table given below.
WeightWeight should be proportionate to height and age.
ChestMinimum range of expansion : 5 cm
HearingShould have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters by each ear separately.
DentalShould have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points.
HealthCandidates should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from all communicable diseases & skin ailments. Candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.
Body TattooPermanent body tattoos are not permitted, however tattoos only on inner face of the fore arms(inside of elbow to the wrist), back(dorsal) part of the hand/reverse side of the palm and Tribals with tattoos which are as per custom Traditions of their tribes may be considered. However, right to decide on acceptability /unacceptability of the individual rests with the Selection Centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos are to submit two photographs(close up and distinct view) with details of size and type of the Tattoo.
Height & Weight Chart

Dental Points

Minimum height acceptable for recruitment will be 152.5 cms. For the following trades the minimum required height (determined at training centres) would be as indicated:-
Sl No.TradeCandidates from
NE & Hill StatesOther States
(a)Auto Tech162.5cm165cm
(b)GTI and PJI162.5cm167cm
Candidates from NE and Hill states includes Gorkhas, Kumaonis, Garhwalis, Assamese and those belonging to the States of Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Sikkim and hilly areas of Uttaranchal.

Elbow Angle

Flat Feet
Flat Feet
TradeVisual AcuityMaximum limits of Ref ErrorColour VisionHeightLeg Length
Workshop Fitter (Mechanical),
Workshop Fitter (Smith),
Structure Fitter,
Propulsion Fitter,
Electronic Fitter,
Electrical Fitter,
Weapon Fitter,
*Automobile Fitter,
*Mechanical System Fitter
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eyeHypermetropia +2.0DMyopia1D including +/- 0.50 astigmatismCP-II152.5 cmMinimum leg length required for Mechanical System Fitter and Automobile Fitter is 99 cm.
Education Instructor6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye.Not exceeding +/-3.50Dincluding astigmatismCP-III152.5 cmNA
Knock Knees

TradeVisual AcuityMaximum limits of Ref ErrorColour VisionHeightLeg Length
Ops Assistant6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eyeHypermetropia +2.0DMyopia1D including +/- 0.50astigmatismCP-II152.5 cmNA
Admin Assistant,
Accounts Assistant,
Medical Assistant,
Logistics Assistant
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye.Not exceeding +/-3.50Dincluding astigmatismCP-III152.5 cmNA
Environmental Support ServicesAssistant (ESSA),
Cryptographer,Met Assistant,
Communication Technician
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eyeNot exceeding +/-3.50Dincluding astigmatismCP-II152.5 cmNA
Auto Technician6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eyeHypermetropia +2.0DMyopia1D including +/- 0.50astigmatismCP-II165 cm (162.5 cm for North East & Hill states)NA
Ground Training Instructor (GTI)6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eyeHypermetropia +2.0DMyopia1D including +/- 0.50astigmatismCP-II167 cm (162.5 cm for North East & Hill states)NA
Indian Air Force (Police)[IAF(P)]Unaided Visual acuity of 6/6Not ApplicableCP-II175 cmNA
Indian Air Force (Security)[IAF(S)]Unaided Visual acuity of 6/6Not ApplicablemCP-II152.5 cmNA
Musician6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye.Not exceeding +/-3.50Dincluding astigmatismCP-III162 cmNA
NA: Not Applicable
Eyesight Chart
Note :
a) Candidates should bring latest prescription and spectacle for corrected vision, if used. The prescription must bear the signature, stamp and registration number of Eye Specialist. Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) is not acceptable.
b) Candidates are advised to get tartar & stains removed from their teeth before appearing for the online test. Ears should be free of wax.


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